WeROC/MOSES Youth Justice Forum on Saturday, January 25
Join us Saturday for this important forum! We will discuss WeROC’s approach to:
1. Informing our Washtenaw County community about alternatives to arrests for non-violent juvenile offenders of misdemeanor crimes.
2. Organizing the community to join us in urging our county government to support diversion programs [i.e. counseling, restorative justice, enrichment] instead of arrest, which is more just and leads to better youth outcomes.
Please join us and spread the word!
Gamaliel Race and Power Institute
Gamaliel’s Race and Power is coming to Detroit this Fall. A very powerful and motivating couple of days. More details coming soon!
Membership Dues
We are well into the new year of 2024 and are very busy with our three action teams. We are hard at work on community engagement on the mental health millage renewal, voter education and engagement, and juvenile justice diversion services.
It is also time for you to renew your dues for 2024. WeROC dues are set at the reasonable rate of $25.00 per individual and $100.00 for congregations and community organizations.
We count on these dues to take care of the week to week expenditures that come up and to have a base to start our fundraiser planning for 2024. We use these funds to send members to training and conferences relevant to organizing.
For those of you who may be new to WeROC please consider becoming a member.
To pay your dues, please use the “Donate Now” blue button above. Remember our fiduciary is MOSES so please make a note that the payment is for WeROC dues.
WeROC T-Shirts!
The WeROC T-Shirts are in and they look great! The T-Shirts are available in sizes Medium thru 4XL. We are charging $20 for the shirts. For those for whom $20 is a struggle, we will take any amount $11 and above.
If you want to purchase a shirt or two, please call Tad Wysor at 734-883-3225 to place your order and arrange to get your shirt. Please click the Donate button on this page to pay for your shirt using credit card or PayPal. Please type “for T-Shirt” in the Comment Box.
Talk to Tad about any problems, cash or check payment, and to arrange pick up or drop off of your shirt(s).
Our Mission
WeROC brings together faith, labor, community organizations, and individuals to build healthy collective power needed to break down the systems that sustain injustice, racism, and economic inequality.
Our Vision
WeROC‘s vision is to use our organizing process for the purpose of creating opportunities for more people of color, lower income residents, and youth to participate at the tables where decisions affecting them and the broader community are made, so that together we are developing effective strategies for dismantling the structures that stubbornly maintain injustice, racism, and economic inequality in our area.
WeROC leaders are committed to launching a new phase of WeROC’s local history right here in Washtenaw, building on the deep relationships built, meaningful victories won, and collective experience WeROC members have gained in these first years. WeROC leaders welcome broad participation in planning the critical next steps underway right now. We know that when the organized voices of those who’ve been pushed to the margins are powerfully heard, all of us in Washtenaw are the better for it.
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WeROC continues to find ways to support the organized voices of our neighbors who are hardest hit by the health and economic crises. As we build capacity for our next exciting phase, we will be grateful for any ongoing financial support from the community – use the “Donate Now” button at the top of this page.