Hello, WeROC Leaders and Supporters…
This month’s WeROC Meeting of the Whole is serving as one of our two final “all hands” planning meetings this Thursday (Nov 5), as well as next Thursday (Nov 12). Both are at First Congregational UCC at 218 N Adams River in Ypsi at 5:30 pm. (Construction is over, parking is easy, hooray!)
If all of us can find a bit of focused time over the next 12 days, especially to be at these two meetings, we’ll stay on track to fill Emmanuel Lutheran with hundreds of Washtenaw residents, and have a tight, powerful action program waiting for them. Please come and be a part of the many hands that will make our 2015 Public Meeting a big success, winning real, meaningful improvements for everyone — everyone — across our region.
And now, more than ever, whether you can make the meetings or not, your word-of-mouth personal invitations are our secret weapon — for the all-important turnout of hundreds of unified, caring folks to help our public officials make the right decisions. In person. And in public. Use the flyer and the recruitment letter as you talk to other organizational leaders and individuals and help fill the room to overflowing.
Again, the 2015 WeROC Public Meeting is Sunday afternoon, November 15, 3:00-5:00 pm, at Emmanuel Lutheran Church ELCA, 201 N. River St, just off Michigan Avenue in downtown Ypsilanti. (Our “dry-run” rehearsal will be noon-3pm Saturday, November 14, at Emmanuel — all participants please plan to attend.)
We hope you are as excited as we are about what we’re doing together!
Pat and Carissa for the WeROC Public Meeting Planning Committee
For more information, contact Tad Wysor at tadwysor@gmail.com or 734 883 3225.