I am looking forward to our WeROC Meeting of the Whole September 5 at 5:30. There is a lot going on post Primary and pre General Election. There is a lot of excitement and engagement in the air. Our three initiatives the JMAT Juvenile Justice initiative, Voter Rights and Access and Health Equity’s continuing work on improving behavioral health accessibility in Washtenaw County all have exciting things going on. We will not only update everyone on what is happening, we will also talk about how these three initiatives, engagement in the primary and excitement about the upcoming general election intersect to create a time of opportunity to gain momentum locally and see gains in building the Beloved Community. I hope you can join us to talk about these three initiatives and share ideas for leveraging their commonality. See you on Zoom tomorrow! The Zoom link is below and the agenda is attached.
Cynthia Bodewes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Cindy Bodewes
A ray of violet bathes your furrowed brow, washing away the pain, transmuting anger into useful joyous fury. Fred Lamott
Useful. Joyous. Fury.