- THIS Thursday April 26 6:30-7:30pm –Ypsilanti “Community Conversation”,Brown Chapel AME Church, 1043 W Michigan Av, Ypsilanti put on by the Community Mental Health Advisory Committee,
Support WeROC Action Team members speaking on priorities for Mental Health Millage dollars. - Also, the Chelsea CMHAC Community Conversation is Monday, April 30th from 5-6pm at Chelsea Hospital (Atrium A and B conference rooms). Other Community Conversations in May.
- Next Thursday May 3 — WeROC Meeting of the Whole, 5:30-7:30, Strong Tower Ministries, 134 Spencer Lane, Ypsi Township (Annex just north of Michigan Ave, Light dinner provided.). Chance to compare notes and learn about ongoing campaigns and new actions, including upcoming Public Meeting and our new coalition work around the upcoming elections.
- Sunday 3 PM, May 20, Ekklesia Fellowship Ministries, 123 N Adams. All out for WeROC Public Meeting! Major action with key decisionmakers on mental health funding and other priority WeROC issues. More information coming — in the meantime, please consider making this a priority for your congregation or organization — it’ll all add up to an impressive turnout and a powerful positive civic experience for everyone!
One more thing…WeROC has been supporting the local organizing for the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. Recently, the national AFL-CIO endorsed the Campaign. It’s getting real now…More than a year of statewide planning and organizing is leading to the next major phase of the Campaign, on Monday May 14, and the six weeks following.
- The voices of those most affected will be prominent in massive actions at our State Capitol in Lansing (and simultaneously in 40+ other states) — supported by allies who share a moral agenda and vision for our country — hopefully including folks from your congregation or organization.
- Many of us believe this powerful first step is exactly the kind of thing we need at this historic moment, to show the kind of unity, seriousness, and persistence it will take really shift the national moral narrative about poverty, racism, the war economy, and environmental devastation.
- Contact, sign the Pledge Card, or get more information: www.poorpeoplescampaign.org, facebook.com/michigansppc, and facebook.com/ppcwc.)