WeROC Leaders and Supporters…More info below on these topics…please read on!
- MOSES MLK Day Banquet, next Monday Jan 18 — Hoping you can join us at the WeROC table!
- Action Team meetings need you (and others from your congregation or organization) to help put “meat on the bones” of the commitments we got from officials at our November Public Meeting.
- Local Trainings in the works.
- Formalizing and stregthening WeROC as a power organization for the long haul,
FIRST: Just a note on Flint: The human-caused horror that our sisters and brothers in Flint have been suffering, and the creative push-back by the community and their allies that is finally beginning to force the Governor and State officials to be open and honest and do their jobs, will be a source of lessons for WeROC and MOSES for a long time to come. We don’t have a direct connection with the Flint organizing right now, but our prayers and solidarity, at least, are going to be welcome. (This video gives a powerful summary and update, with interviews with key people):
There’s a rally in Ann Arbor Monday 1/18 at 4 PM related to Flint and the Governor: Facebook event
- BANQUET: If you possibly can, go to mosesmi.org right away and buy a ticket for next Monday’s annual MOSES Banquet in Southfield. Many organizations have dinners, but those who have been to past MOSES banquets know these are special. Special mostly because the room is filled with MOSES folks who’ve doing what WeROC has been doing with MOSES support and advice…strategically building relationships, alliances, and community power. Plus, great speakers AND a chance to socialize with fellow WeROCers. (Let Tad know if you’re coming or have questions, including carpooling and possible help with ticket prices.)
- Where the ACTION is: Action Teams! WeROC leaders are encouraging each of us to pick an Action Team (or more than one!) and plan to participate in their meetings…probably even more important than the Meetings of the Whole. We want to move toward each participating congregation or organization to have someone on each Action Team. Here’s what’s coming up…many hands make big things happen, yes?
- Education Action Team (Reducing suspensions/expulsions in area school districts) TUESDAY JAN 26, 7-8 AM, Lord of Light Lutheran/Intersection, 801 S Forest Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104.
- Economic Dignity for Working Families Action Team (Earned Sick Time and Regional Transit) THIS THURSDAY JAN 14, 6-7:30 pm, First Congregational UCC, 218 N Adams, Ypsi.
- Ban the Box Action Team (Building on our BtB successes, possibly including new organizing led by returning citizens aimed at reducing recidivism and welcoming people back into productive participation in the community.) Strategy meeting to be announced soon…).
- Local Trainings in the works: There was widespread support at Thursday’s meeting for WeROC leaders to organize local community organizing trainings — to make sure we’re all sharing the powerful lessons learned in the run up to and implementation of the November Public Meeting. Whether you’ve been involved for some time, or are just recently experiencing the WeROC phenomenon, creating opportunities for high quality organizing and leadership training is fundamental to building the long-term, healthy collective power that really changes policies and structures. Stay tuned, and plan to put the date(s) on your calendar early!
- Organization-Building for the Long Haul: As we build on our successful issue campaigns, our staying power as an important player in our region depends on building the foundations of WeROC. In addition to the Action Team work, don’t be surprised if you find yourself being asked to part of short-term committees to plant those long-term roots, including:
- Completing the bylaws, including clarifying how congregations, organiziations, and individuals can become formal members of WeROC together.
- Electing formal leadership.
- Developing more relationships with potential local and regional funding institutions.
As several of you reflected at last week’s meeting, WeROC’s exciting successes so far are only really valuable if we keep building this unique organization — we need to multiply our numbers, involve and develop new grassroots leaders, get smarter, make sure that our broad, unified voice becomes even louder. No other local organization is filling this role quite like WeROC is, and you’re the reason. Let’s keep supporting each other as we launch WeROC toward bigger and better things in 2016, yes?