** First, a correction to the address in our last post for this week’s final Planning Committee meeting — First Congregational is at 218 N Adams in Ypsi (NOT River St) at 5:30 Thursday Nov 12. EVERYONE PLEASE PLAN TO COME!
** Also, a reminder about the dry run rehearsal Saturday Nov 14 starting at noon at our host church building, Emmanuel Lutheran ELCA at 201 N. River St (yes, River St!) — all WeROC participants need to be there if at all possible.
With our big Public Meeting coming up in just over a week, the WeROC Planning Committee has identified several “Day-of-Event” Tasks — easy but important things that you and/or members of your congregation or organization could take on to help make Nov 15 an even bigger success. Please email Pat Jackson at msullivanlady@yahoo.com with any slots you can help fill…and please stay flexible in case a task is already filled — there are others!
One more thing…Our Planning Committee is excited — and also nervous — about reaching our target of 300+ in attendance. So….in addition to the day-of-event tasks, your ability to get commitments from as many people as possible in your congregation/organization, networks, neighborhoods, and families to be a part of the Public Meeting — will help tilt the balance for our leaders away from nervousness and toward excitement. (And please take a moment to report your progress or any concerns to Pat.) The flyer and letter are here to help you help us all!
Day-of Event Tasks:
- Registration Table (and prior preparation of materials, sign in sheets, etc)
- Floor Team
- Runners for Stage Manager (Kandia)
- Ushers
- Technology Team (projector, sound, etc)
- Setup
- Take-Down
- Timekeeper
- Microphone Holder
- Offering basket holders
- Earned Sick Time Petitioners
- Identify/Usher Public Officials
- Parking attendants