April Meeting of the Whole, Thursday, April 2, 5:30-6:30, Zoom video conference
Dear WeROC Members, Friends, Supporters…
Well, here we are, all of us suddenly learning together how to adjust our lives to being apart from each other during a huge and scary and stressful health and economic crisis like none of us has ever seen. But WeROC is about being and working and winning together — and the relationships we build and maintain seem more important than ever, even if we need to be at a distance, right?
- So instead of shutting down, WeROC’s leadership team has decided that we — with lots of you faithful members and supporters and new folks, too — have a historic opportunity now to focus together on creative ways that we can all use WeROC as a tool to stay engaged AND be effective together.
WeROC leaders are of course still figuring this out, but for starters, we want to invite you to join us for our April Meeting of the Whole — for the first time as a Zoom video conference! The link for this meeting is: https://zoom.us/j/774764359, Meeting ID: 774 764 359. Or call in at 929-205-6099; 774764359#. (Whether you’ve used Zoom before or not, please scroll down for some tips for a successful Zoom call.)
Questions? Contact Tad Wysor, WeROC Organizer and MOSES Liaison (734-883-3225)