WeROC Members, Friends, Supporters — Click here to register before this month’s WeROC Meeting of the Whole. THIS Thursday, March 4, 5:30-6:30.
Attached are the Agenda for Thursday’s Meeting of the Whole and a one-page tutorial for powerful 1 on 1’s.
Building relationships to build long-term grassroots power through 1 on 1’s. Our agenda Thursday will help us all learn more about why our ability to make real change depends on building our networks of strong human relationships with each other, with our allies, and with local decision-makers. Ongoing 1 on 1’s are the foundation of the organizing tools that WeROC and MOSES share with our fellow Gamaliel Network affiliated organizations around Michigan and the country.
We will have a demonstration of a 1 on 1 (as requested in the February meeting). This will better prepare us for additional training opportunities we’ll be offering in the coming months in techniques for long-term organizing for community power.
The relationships we build now are the path to winning real improvements in County residents’ lives through campaigns for more equitable criminal justice, mental health, and COVID services — and other equity improvements that bubble up from you and your congregations, union locals, community organizations, and neighbors.
We hope you’ll register now for some healthy power-building this Thursday….!
Cindy Bodewes for the WeROC Leadership Team
Leadership Team Contact info on our updated Website: werocmi.org;
Like and follow our Facebook Page: Facebook.com/werocmi.
Cindy Bodewes
Agitation is an act of Love