This month’s meeting will be held via ZOOM. The link to the zoom is below. Please come and join us for updates and discussion on issues/campaigns such as the HEAT mental health millage, JMAT’s WeROC /MOSES regional Juvenile Justice efforts and what’s in the hopper for the Voter Rights and Access Team in this year of critical elections. I hope to see you on Zoom this Thursday and I hope you will choose to get involved with one of these energetic and dedicated Action Teams. The agenda is attached.
Cynthia Bodewes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: WeROC Meeting of the Whole
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 2433 0470
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,84824330470# US
Cindy Bodewes
A ray of violet bathes your furrowed brow, washing away the pain, transmuting anger into useful joyous fury. Fred Lamott
Useful. Joyous. Fury.