Dear WeROC Members, Friends, Supporters…
We’re devoting this month’s WeROC Meeting of the Whole to bolstering the Washtenaw arm of our joint four-county WeROC/MOSES Prosecuting Attorney campaign — toward a major July 30 “Justice Matters” Town Hall. Join us this Thursday, July 9, 5:30-6:30pm. Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
More info on this special campaign…
As many of you know, we’ve created several temporary committees that are merging together to build a large virtual “Justice Matters Town Hall”, to get serious public commitments from County Prosecutor candidates July 30. Thursday’s WeROC meeting will help us bring more Washtenaw folks together — hopefully including YOU! — to build this campaign.
- It feels like a meaningful way to meet this historic moment, with an election of the “Chief Law Enforcement Officer” in Washtenaw and other metro counties – the Prosecuting Attorney. Here in Washtenaw, it’s been decades since we’ve had an open Prosecutor seat at stake.
At this Thursday’s meeting, we’ll learn more about the critical role of Prosecutor AND continue to build this Campaign over the next 3 weeks. Several committees that you may want to participate in… on our Voter Guide and candidate interviews, on a deeper version of phone banking, on Poetry and Politics, and on designing a powerful program for July 30 and creating a major (virtual) turnout that day.
And looking ahead, of course we can’t stop at the Primary, or even the General election. As the grassroots leaders and activists of the Black Lives Matter demonstrations and events throughout S.E. Michigan (and in every state and many other countries) are forcing all of us to confront more clearly every day: We can’t allow ourselves to go back to a bad old status quo where we allow generational poverty and deep systemic racism to thrive.
- We want WeROC and our MOSES partners to be a meaningful part of building the kinds of smart, powerful, and durable cross-racial coalitions — locally, regionally, and statewide — that can win fundamental change and build that Beloved Community that feels like it may be closer than we’ve ever seen it.
Let’s keep physically distancing, BUT socially connecting?
–Tad Wysor, WeROC Organizer and MOSES Liaison (734-883-3225)
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