Hello WeROC Community–
Please join us for our December monthly Meeting of the Whole, THIS Thursday, Dec 3, 5:30-6:30. Register before the Zoom meeting here. We’ll send you the questions we’ll be discussing so you can give them some thought.
Thursday, we’ll follow up together on an incredible election season (OK, not completely over yet, but it WILL be, right?) when so many participated in so many ways — not just with massive voting. We’ll have a focused agenda allowing all of us to reflect on the lessons of the amazing voter engagement work of WeROC, MOSES, and many others — AND how we will keep that momentum going and growing right up until and through the next elections — as we now begin to hold those who were elected accountable.
- At the meeting we’re hoping to have your input as we continue our cross-racial Justice Matters campaign for a more just local and regional justice system; as we review our progress on equitable community mental health services; and, in general, as we envision how WeROC’s unique grassroots organizing approach can blend with a growing number of local and regional allies to make the most of the historic opportunities facing working families and communities in the coming months.
- We’ll be live-streaming (Facebook Live) and recording our conversation. Several other groups in the region will be doing this also in the coming weeks, and we’ll all have access to each other’s learnings and creative ideas.
Also, check out the related event below…
Questions? –Tad Wysor, WeROC Organizer and MOSES Liaison (734-883-3225)
Check out our new, improved Website! werocmi.org …And follow and like us at Facebook.com/werocmi.
Special bonus! Right after the WeROC meeting, whether you’re a affiliated with a faith community or not, please consider jumping onto this event from our allied organizations ICPJ and Faith Leaders Forum, inviting us to learn more about the sobering new CREW Report, which will be an important resource in our continued Race Matters criminal justice system campaign in Washtenaw County:
Next Thursday, Dec. 3rd, at 7:00p.m. The Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice and the Faith Leader’s Forum are hosting an online Town Hall on the CREW report “Race to Justice.”
- The Citizens for Racial Equity Washtenaw (CREW) is a group, co-chaired by Alma Wheeler Smith and Linda Rexer, that investigated whether there are racial disparities in sentences by judges in Washtenaw County. This one hundred page report found that Washtenaw County appears to have the same kinds of disparities in sentencing that we find nationally.
- We hope you will join us as we discuss the report and how our faith communities might best work to bring an end to this kind of discrimination. We would also appreciate your sharing this invitation with others that you think might be interested in joining us..
Please register for the forum at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMucuCtrj4vH9PFXaSnoJnMpKsgDAyk6u4a.