A few important upcoming events were announced at our recent September 2016 WeROC meeting:
1) Support the lecturers’ union at EMU (EMUFT): Rally to support a fair contract for our lecturer friends and colleagues: Wednesday, Sept 7, 12:30, in front of Welch Hall, near the Water Tower, Eastern Michigan University campus . Facebook event. We’ll help the administration remember that treating staff right is good for the whole community!
2) Kickoff for the county “YES on Regional Transit” campaign, Thursday Sept 8, 5:30-7:30 pm, Ladies Literary Society, 218 N Washington, downtown Ypsilanti. The RTA campaign is well-organized, it’s a strong coalition, and we have a great chance of winning connected, 21st-century transit in Southeast Michigan if we all do our bit. Facebook event.
3) The MOSES Public Meeting is October 10, 7pm, Greater Grace Temple in Detroit. Most of the regional issues our MOSES partners will be raising with public officials at the meeting reinforce our local work, AND it’s a great opportunity for new people — pastors, leaders, members, friends — to get a personal taste of what our collective community power feels like. We’re looking to fill at least one bus with 50 people from Washtenaw, so please start talking it up within your congregation, organization, or network, and let Tad (tadwysor@gmail.com ) know as you have people sign up.