October 2018 WeROC Meeting of the Whole

October WeROC Meeting of the Whole, Thursday, October 4, 5:30-7:30, Community Church of God, 565 Jefferson, Ypsilanti. Light dinner provided.

Even while most of us are participating in this hugely important election season, our local action campaigns are are still moving, and we’re hoping you will join us. We hope you’ll organize your life to be with us next Thursday.

Come hear updates and opportunities to participate from our Action Teams:

  • Mental Health Equity Action Team — bringing more community involvement into the critical decisions about how last year’s millage dollars will be prioritized.
  • Education — How WeROC can leverage Countywide resources toward better access by students and young people to professional mental health, trauma, and social services, and toward fewer suspensions and expulsions.
  • Veterans Issues — Veterans joining with supporters to lead the way toward real solutions and services that veterans.
  • Rising for Economic Democracy in Ypsi — Our allies who created REDY just last year will help us all learn from their example…how they won the major victory last week as Ypsi City Council passed one of the country’s first Community Benefits Ordinances.

August WeROC Meeting of the Whole

August WeROC Meeting of the Whole, Thursday, August 2, 5:30-7:30, Community Church of God, 565 Jefferson St, Ypsilanti. Light dinner provided.

We’ll hear updates and opportunities to participate from our Action Team leaders:

  • Mental Health Equity — continuing to push for crisis and stabilization services as a priority for last year’s millage dollars and other resources. We’ll discuss the draft WeROC Statement and point toward how you can help this team push for these priorities as the County Community Mental Health Board and the County Commission prepare to act on the 2019 mental health budget.
  • Education — How WeROC can leverage countywide resources toward better access by students and young people to professional mental health, trauma, and social services, and toward fewer suspensions and expulsions — all issues that we all know have an ugly racial component.
  • Veterans Issues: Veterans, especially veterans of color, are are often among the most marginalized of our neighbors and members of our congregations and communities.
  • Rising for Economic Democracy in Ypsi: Working with WeROC, grassroots citizens have come together to develop over many months an excellent draft Community Benefits Ordinance to ensure those most affected by big developments are at the table, making sure that the developers AND the community benefit from our investments as taxpayers. Moving the draft CBO into reality with a strong City Council vote is next.

Contact this week: Jeremy at jwaechter@mosesmi.org

July WeROC Meeting

July WeROC Meeting of the Whole, TUESDAY JULY 10 (Delayed this month due to holiday), 5:30-7:30, Strong Tower Ministries, 134 Spencer Ln, Ypsi Twp (Annex at south end of lot).  Light dinner provided.

None of us spend all our time on things WeROC.  But we all know that the more of us that DO spend some time and energy on our collective local social justice work, and do it in significant numbers and side by side with those most affected daily by racism and poverty in our area, the sooner we’ll shift how power is distributed around us — and seriously address the severe moral crises that we’re confronting in our (overall) wealthy County.
With our successful major May 20 Public Meeting in Ypsilanti (here’s the video if you missed it! ), we learned once again that the bottom-up voices from our congregations and organizations can be seriously heard by our local public officials and decision-makers.  Now it’s time to make sure they also act on what they heard and what they agreed to do.  Next Tuesday is for making that real…please plan to be a part of it!

WeROC Meeting June 2018 and Public Meeting Follow-Up

WeROC June Meeting of the Whole — Thursday June 7, 5:30-7:30, First Congregational UCC (new location), 111 S. Wallace Blvd, Ypsi (best to park around back of the old school, off Jones St).

So, whether or not you were able to attend our May 20 WeROC Public Meeting, we hope you’ll share in a sense of accomplishment! With the help of so many of you and your congregations and organizations, we made a great showing of our numbers and unity to several key community decision-makers as we rolled out WeROC’s Moral Values Agenda (See Below). And, we’re so pleased that they, in turn, said a clear YES to every one of important “asks” that members of our Mental Health Equity Action Team and our Education Action Team had prepared and presented to them that afternoon.
VIDEO: Consider giving yourself a much-needed 90-minute break, and watch (or at least sample) the professionally-made video of the Public Meeting, to appreciate (or appreciate again if you were there) what healthy community-led work with our public officials can look like.

In our evaluation immediately after the Meeting, the WeROC committee of about 30 people who organized and participated in the Public Meeting were clearly proud of what we accomplished together, by blending the voices of neighbors most affected by the immoral failures of our governments at all levels with the voices of more privileged allies to creatively push for a more positive future for all of us. AND there was universal appreciation for the attendance and public commitments of our public officials on a busy weekend afternoon — those growing two-way relationships are a great sign of future successes.

In addition to Thursday’s important collective follow-up meeting, leaders of our Action Teams will be announcing smaller Team meetings to plan next steps. Consider supporting their leadership by asking to be kept informed about ongoing actions by one or more of our Action Teams (contact Tad Wysor ):
Mental Health Equity Action Team (Cindy Bodewes)
Education Action Team (Pastor Jeff Harrold)
Veterans Action Team (Jim Anderson)
REDY (Rising for Economic Democracy in Ypsi — working on real community involvement in major economic development decisions) (Erica Moody)

NOTE also: Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival — WeROC members and supporters have participated in the first 3 weekly PPC actions in Lansing as we explore how this growing new national and statewide voice by and for “the least of these” can help us leverage our local WeROC Moral Values Agenda — while reviving Dr. King’s “unsettling” vision from the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign.
Follow and register to participate at michiganppc.org and facebook.com/michigansppc

WeROC May Meetings

  • THIS Thursday April 26 6:30-7:30pm –Ypsilanti “Community Conversation”,Brown Chapel AME Church, 1043 W Michigan Av, Ypsilanti put on by the Community Mental Health Advisory Committee,
    Support WeROC Action Team members speaking on priorities for Mental Health Millage dollars.
  • Also, the Chelsea CMHAC Community Conversation is Monday, April 30th from 5-6pm at Chelsea Hospital (Atrium A and B conference rooms). Other Community Conversations in May.
  • Next Thursday May 3 — WeROC Meeting of the Whole, 5:30-7:30, Strong Tower Ministries, 134 Spencer Lane, Ypsi Township (Annex just north of Michigan Ave, Light dinner provided.). Chance to compare notes and learn about ongoing campaigns and new actions, including upcoming Public Meeting and our new coalition work around the upcoming elections.
  • Sunday 3 PM, May 20, Ekklesia Fellowship Ministries, 123 N Adams. All out for WeROC Public Meeting! Major action with key decisionmakers on mental health funding and other priority WeROC issues. More information coming — in the meantime, please consider making this a priority for your congregation or organization — it’ll all add up to an impressive turnout and a powerful positive civic experience for everyone!

One more thing…WeROC has been supporting the local organizing for the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. Recently, the national AFL-CIO endorsed the Campaign. It’s getting real now…More than a year of statewide planning and organizing is leading to the next major phase of the Campaign, on Monday May 14, and the six weeks following.

  • The voices of those most affected will be prominent in massive actions at our State Capitol in Lansing (and simultaneously in 40+ other states) — supported by allies who share a moral agenda and vision for our country — hopefully including folks from your congregation or organization.
  • Many of us believe this powerful first step is exactly the kind of thing we need at this historic moment, to show the kind of unity, seriousness, and persistence it will take really shift the national moral narrative about poverty, racism, the war economy, and environmental devastation.
  • Contact, sign the Pledge Card, or get more information: www.poorpeoplescampaign.org, facebook.com/michigansppc, and facebook.com/ppcwc.)

WeROC April Meetings

WeROC meetings Thursday (TomorrowApril 5 at Community Church of God, 565 Jefferson, Ypsi.
  • WeROC Mental Health Equity Action Team: 4:00-5:30 (Continue drafting our Moral Agenda around mental health funding, to present and discuss at the 5:30 meeting)
  • WeROC April Meeting of the Whole: 5:30-7:30, Light dinner provided.  (Next steps on Mental Health Equity, Veterans and Criminal Justice, Education/Youth, and Community Benefits Ordinance)
WeROC is also spreading the word about the Washtenaw Mass Meeting of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival — this Sunday April 8, 2:00-4:30, UAW Local 898, 8975 Textile, Ypsi Township. Building Washtenaw participation in upcoming massive statewide “Season of Action” in Lansing and 30+ other state capitals, beginning Mother’s Day.  Sadly, very topical this very day…Dr. King was of course murdered working to bring the striking Memphis sanitation workers into the original Poor People’s Campaign.

WeRoc March 2018 Meeting Recap

It wasn’t pretty, but a good group was able to connect by phone while the snow piled up last Thursday. (Thanks again to Community Church of God for being willing to host, even if it didn’t work out for us to be there!). Here’s a summary of key things you’re going to want to know about, and/or contact key WeROC leaders about, to learn more or find out how a little of your time, added to many others, adds up to a powerful, unified voice on our issues. Join an Action Team or Committee with however much or little time you have, and remember that even if they look like different paths, they are all closely linked to each other (that how we WIN, right?!

NOTE: Next WeROC Meeting of the Whole will be on April 12, 5:30-7:30 (NOT April 5). Location TBD. More to come on that, but most of the focus will be on a focused training session for us all, to learn about the successful techniques for a serious fundraising event with an action-oriented organization like WeROC. (See below)

Education Action Team: Chair Pastor Jeff Harrold gave this update on the Ed Action Team’s current plans. Let him or Tad Wysor know you can be a part of this new and continued work, and we’ll get you on that list.

Advocate with CMH to provide more treatment for k-12 students who have experienced trauma, as a preventative measure to decrease behaviors that lead to suspensions and expulsions.
Advocate for all school districts to have trauma response teams to respond to acts of racial violence
Advocate for district-wide policies against racial violence
Advocate for training for teachers and other school personnel on how to respond to issues of racial intimidation
Plan a half day retreat to develop action steps to accomplish the above goals.
Use technology such as Zoom and conference call application to allow people to participate virtually in our meetings.

Mental Health Equity Action Team:

Convenors for this team — Pastor George Waddles, Pastor Victoria James, and Sheryl Kelly — have created a gathering aimed at the faith community for March 15. With the Community Mental Health Advisory Committee (Pastor Waddles is a member) beginning to work in earnest to provide community input to decisions on how to spend the millions of new dollars from the November millage, this meeting will provide critical “bottom-up” input to make sure the money is spent in the best ways to meet the broad needs in the community, especially in eastern Washtenaw. Contact Tad Wysor for more info on the event.
We also heard from Lois Richardson that a similar advisory committee being set up to recommend how the other big chunk of
The Action Team is also paying attention to the remaining millage dollars that are going to individual municipalities with their own police departments, to be sure that those communities appropriately focus some of their millage dollars on mental health crisis as well as public safety..

Veterans Action Team:

Jim Anderson and John Hollingsworth are organizing an upcoming meeting for this committee. Focus of this new Action Team include pushing for better coordination of local services for our veterans, especially veterans of color, and to carve out veteran-specific priorities for how the millage money is spent as it relates to the special challenges of our veterans. See Jim or Tad for more…and please point the veterans in your life toward this exciting new vehicle for improving the lives of veterans and those around them.

Fundraising Committee

Plans are well underway for the Inaugural WeROC Prayer Breakfast fundraisier. Here’s another way to plug into WeROC, as we work to ensure that we have independent dollars, no strings attached, for our unique organizing work. As Sister Lois said on the call, we need a few more to help get it off the ground, but it will be up to ALL of us to turn it into a big success. Target date is on a Saturday Morning in June or July.
Because we have such a good model to follow about how to do a fundraising event that, yes, raises funds, but also builds our grassroots power with our “big sister” organization MOSES in Metro Detroit, we will focus most of the next
Final note: Those of you who took petitions at the last meeting on Earned Paid Sick Time and on One Fair Wage, please talk to Tad about returning those you’ve circulated to your congreagation, organization, or network, and get more if you need them!

For more information, contact Tad Wysor


December WeROC Meeting – Thu 12-7

Hello, WeROC members and supporters m
Hoping you can join others helping build our momentum at the December WeROC Meeting of the Whole is THIS THURSDAY, December 7, 5:30-7:30<, at Strong Tower Ministries (134 Spencer Ln, Ypsilanti in the “Annex” building at the south (Michigan Av) end of the lot.)
Setting the Stage:  We’ll catch each other up on the developing issue campaigns that have been building steam
  • Our Clergy and Leader Caucus met last Thursday and began discussed what pieces of the huge crisis in mental health services in Washtenaw an organized community voice might most effectively focus on.  How often do we have the promise of millions of dollars of new funding — generously voted by all parts of the County last November — and the responsibility as residents to be sure those dollars are spent well to help the County as a whole?  Attendees will catch you up Thursday.
  • WeROC and the spontaneous grassroots organizing efforts in Ypsilanti to push for a Community Benefits Ordinance (to involve the community formally in new economic development projects) are exploring how we can all mutually benefit by working together.
  • Our Education Action Team will have a report about the status and proposed plans for continued action to reduce unnecessary school suspensions and expulsions, as well as the potential for new funding provide serious numbers of mental health counselors and social workers in schools, to help reach troubled young people early.

Tad Wysor, Volunteer WeROC Organizer