It’s Election Day and lots of excitement and tension surrounds this day (and maybe several days after). We will have our regularly scheduled Meeting of the Whole this Thursday and we hope you are able to join us for a robust conversation about the election and how we feel and organize about the results. There is much work to do regardless of the outcome and it will be great to share how you are feeling and what you believe the results means for actions and strategies for building the Beloved Community. Plus it will be good to support each other and hopefully celebrate.
Cynthia Bodewes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 2433 0470
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Cindy Bodewes
A ray of violet bathes your furrowed brow, washing away the pain, transmuting anger into useful joyous fury. Fred Lamott
Useful. Joyous. Fury.