February 2023 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 2/2/23

This month’s Meeting of the Whole will be completely virtual.  Last month’s hybrid meeting was a great success but this month some key players are out of town making it a little more difficult.  We will most likely go back to the hybrid format in March.  Please register at the link below and join us!

The agenda is attached.

WeROC Monthly Meeting of the Whole, Zoom Thursday February 2, 5:30-6:30 pm ….  Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ud-2urz4jH9xL0PtNQesdLuWzRO7XZv0e.

Cindy Bodewes

Stop Acting So Small.  You are the Universe in Ecstatic Motion.  Set Your Life on Fire.  Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames. RUMI

January 2023 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 1/5/23

Your choice! Attend this month’s Meeting of the Whole via Zoom or in person. See the info below on how. Attached are the agenda for this meeting and a copy of the proposed bylaws. See you at 5:30.

ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7643282234

Zoom Meeting ID 764 328 2234

Phone number for audio only: +1 312 626 6799 US

Or if you prefer–gather in-person at 111 S. Wallace, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (Backdoor former Chappelle Elementary School in the Normal Park Neighborhood)

Cindy Bodewes

Stop Acting So Small.  You are the Universe in Ecstatic Motion.  Set Your Life on Fire.  Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames. RUMI

December 2022 Meeting of the Whole CANCELED

WeROC Family and Friends,

Thanks to everyone who participated in the  hard work during the recent election cycle.   As we pivot as an organization toward a new, even more powerful phase in WeROC’s ten-year life, the Leadership Team is cancelling the December Meeting of the Whole due conflicting schedules.  We encourage all of our members and friends to join us this month in reflecting on how we can together leverage the collective bottom-up power we are building in our County to respond to the new social and political landscape created during this election season by so many new voters (thank you especially young people and women of all ages!).

As our Leadership Team works this month to develop proposed plans for 2023, we welcome any ideas you may have for WeROC going forward, and we look forward to hitting the ground running at our Thursday January 5th Meeting of the Whole.  (We may be able to try an in-person meeting again…stay tuned, and keep checking the website at werocmi.org for emerging information about WeROC.)

Finally, we are deeply grateful (really, and not just for this holiday!) for the flurry of new memberships — if you haven’t yet, please consider going to the DONATE button at werocmi.org and pay for formal membership (indicate in the comment section that your donation is for membership.)

Appreciate all of you as we move forward together…Let’s build on the momentum of our Friend/Fundraiser and the changes brought by the elections and discern our best steps forward.  Happiest of Holidays to all of you and yours!

Cindy Bodewes

Stop Acting So Small.  You are the Universe in Ecstatic Motion.  Set Your Life on Fire.  Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames. RUMI

November 2022 Meeting of the Whole

WeROC Monthly Meeting of the Whole, Zoom Thursday Nov. 3rd, 5:30-6:30 pm

Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ud-2urz4jH9xL0PtNQesdLuWzRO7XZv0e.

Agenda attached.

NOTE that you can now become an Individual WeROC Member, or your congregation/union local/organization can become an Institutional Member, via the DONATE button on our website.  Consider helping us solidify our base as we enter an exciting new phase.

October 2022 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 10/6/22

Please join the WeROC Members and Family for our monthly Meeting of the Whole.  Hear updates and opportunities for engagement in voter education. candidate forums. canvassing, Automated License Plate Reader Technology and more.  Agenda attached.  I am looking forward to seeing you on Thursday.

Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ud-2urz4jH9xL0PtNQesdLuWzRO7XZv0e.

Cindy Bodewes

Stop Acting So Small.  You are the Universe in Ecstatic Motion.  Set Your Life on Fire.  Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames. RUMI


August 2022 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 8/4/22

Please join us for the WeROC Meeting of the Whole this Thursday at 5:30.

We will be discussing our plans for the September 4th Friendraiser Picnic.  Plan to come and invite your friends.  WeROC is looking to increase our capacity to build power and fight the good fight for Justice.  We will soon be sending to you a flyer with a clickable link to register and buy tickets ($25) for the event along with a reminder of all the community issues WeROC has been involved in.  Attached is a task list for the event for you to take a look at and decide how you would like to help make this a successful event.

We will also be updating you on our Action Teams, some election efforts, including the push for Automated Licence Plate Readers (ALPR) and general opposition to additional surveillance.  Please join us to build good power to get things done.

Attached is the agenda and updated task list for tonight.

Topic: WeROC Meeting of the Whole 8/4/2022
Time: Aug 4, 2022 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Cindy Bodewes

Stop Acting So Small.  You are the Universe in Ecstatic Motion.  Set Your Life on Fire.  Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames. RUMI


July 2022 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 7/7/22

Hello WeROC Family and Friends.  Please join us tomorrow at 5:30 for our monthly Meeting of the Whole.  Register at this link.


At a time when it seems we’re facing new crises every day, at every level, WeROC is building our capacity to work with our members, friends, and allies to strategically turn crises into opportunities — and fight the discouragement and division that our opponents constantly try to sow among us.  Please come and be a part of launching a new phase in our unique work in Washtenaw County, as we address current crises and social justice issues while raising new resources to do our organizing work even better.  WeROC is more important than ever, especially as we follow the lead of those most affected by the local, regional, and national injustices we are all facing.

Cindy Bodewes, WeROC President cbodewes@umich.edu, 734-358-6994
Tad Wysor, WeROC Lead Organizer tadwysor@gmail.com, 734-883-3225

Stop Acting So Small.  You are the Universe in Ecstatic Motion.  Set Your Life on Fire.  Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames. RUMI

May 2022 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 5/5/22

WeROC Friends and Family,

Please join us virtually this Thursday at 5:30 pm for our monthly Meeting of the Whole, as we together build momentum for a very big summer and fall. Register in advance for this meeting here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ud-2urz4jH9xL0PtNQesdLuWzRO7XZv0e

Agenda Attached

Thursday’s agenda will include these topics that WeROC is leaning into this summer and fall…

  • Friendraising” Campaign — We’re excited that our “WeROC Issues Month” events are beginning this week, to help us all understand more deeply several key issues we are tackling in our County.  You can register for any or all of the 4 weekly programs (starting THIS WEEK on Tuesday the 3rd) here, find more on each event here, and download the flyer to help us spread the word here.
    • We’ll also have more on our major in-person (we very much hope!) picnic event in September.
  • WeROC’s Electoral InvolvementLearn the latest plans for our local and regional “Integrated Voter Engagement” work, as we work to blend key grassroots issue work with this year’s crucial elections.
  • And updates from our Voting Rights, Health Equity, and Justice Matters Action Teams

After registering for Thursday’s meeting, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. We hope to see you at the meeting this Thursday.

Check out our Website and social media below…and if you haven’t pushed that DONATE button lately, we hope you’ll consider an investment of whatever you can in serious, bottom-up, collective power-building, right here in Washtenaw County!

Cindy Bodewes, WeROC President cbodewes@umich.edu, 734-358-6994
Tad Wysor, WeROC Lead Organizer tadwysor@gmail.com, 734-883-3225

Agitation is an act of Love