
March 2024 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 3/7/24

Good Afternoon WeROC Members and Allies,

This is a reminder that our regular second Thursday meeting will take place 3/7/24 at 5:30pm via Zoom. Please join us to get exciting updates about the county mental health millage renewal, election year activities of our Voter rights Action Team and coordinating a JMAT initiative around juvenile justice reforms in the state.  Don’t forget to sign on at 5:30pm and if you haven’t paid your WeROC dues for 2024 or you would like to make a donation to support our work, please go to and click the donate button.  If you are paying membership dues, please note in the comments that your $25 is for membership.  Thanks!

I have also attached the flyer for our organizing training this Saturday, March 9th.  If you have not yet registered, please use the QR code on the flyer or use this link to register.

Cynthia Bodewes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: WeROC Meeting of the Whole
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 2433 0470

One tap mobile
+13092053325,,84824330470# US

February 2024 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 2/2/24

This month’s meeting will be held via ZOOM.  The link to the zoom is below.  Please come and join us for updates  and discussion on issues/campaigns such as the HEAT mental health millage,  JMAT’s WeROC /MOSES regional Juvenile Justice efforts and what’s in the hopper for the Voter Rights and Access Team in this year of critical elections.  I hope to see you on Zoom this Thursday and I hope you will choose to get involved with one of these energetic and dedicated Action Teams. The agenda is attached.

Cynthia Bodewes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: WeROC Meeting of the Whole
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 2433 0470

One tap mobile
+13092053325,,84824330470# US

Cindy Bodewes

A ray of violet bathes your furrowed brow, washing away the pain, transmuting anger into useful joyous fury.    Fred Lamott

Useful. Joyous. Fury.

January 2024 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 1/4/24

This month’s meeting will be held via ZOOM on Thursday, January 4, 5:30-7:00 pm.  The link to the zoom is below.  Please come and join us for information and discussion on happenings such as the mental health millage, the canceling of the unarmed response RFP from Ann Arbor that was issued and then canceled after the Care Based Safety program submitted a proposal, and voter rights and access and maybe more.  Hope to see you there and start WeROC’s new year with an energetic meeting.

Cynthia Bodewes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: WeROC Meeting of the Whole
Time: Jan 4, 2024 5:30 to 7:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 2433 0470

One tap mobile

Cindy Bodewes

A ray of violet bathes your furrowed brow, washing away the pain, transmuting anger into useful joyous fury.    Fred Lamott

Useful. Joyous. Fury.

November 2023 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 11/2/23 – In Person

October sure passed by quickly with so many issues and concerns coming to the forefront–housing and homeless, voter rights and criminal justice concerns.  Please join us at 5:30 on Thursday, November 2 at 111 S Wallace, Ypsilanti.  This is the former Chappelle Elementary School.  Entrance is best achieved  by turning onto Jones street beside the school and entering through the back doors.  You will hear from our Board of Directors retreat from last Saturday and each of our action teams.  Please consider becoming a member of one of the WeROC Action Teams, or join them for one of their specific initiatives which you will hear about Thursday evening.  I will forward the agenda on Thursday.  Light refreshments will be served.  See you there!

Cindy Bodewes

A ray of violet bathes your furrowed brow, washing away the pain, transmuting anger into useful joyous fury.    Fred Lamott

Useful. Joyous. Fury.

October 2023 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 10/6/23 – In Person

Hi, WeROC Members and Friends!  Our September Meeting in person was so energizing and engaged that we decided to remain all in person at least through December.  So the meeting this week and the meetings in November and December will be in person only.  We will reassess based on weather for the harsher winter months of January-March.  The agenda is attached to this email.  There are lots of interesting topics and updates so please join us at 111 S Wallace, Ypsilanti, the former Chappelle Elementary School and current home of Tad Wysor’s church.  Please turn on Jones Street and come to the back of the building for access to the meeting.  Light food and beverages will be available. See you Thursday!

Cindy Bodewes

A ray of violet bathes your furrowed brow, washing away the pain, transmuting anger into useful joyous fury.    Fred Lamott

Useful. Joyous. Fury.

September 2023 Meeting of the Whole and In Person Get Together, Thursday 9/7/23 at 4:30 pm

It’s been a long time since many of us have been together in person.  Please attend our WeROC Meeting of the Whole on September 7th at 111 S Wallace, Ypsilanti, 48197.  We start to gather and socialize and grab some food from 4:30-5:30 with a brief meeting while eating at 5:30.  Then we will move to having good social time and networking from 5:30-7:00.  We will have T-shirts available for purchase and several will be given away as door prizes.  I have already worn my T-Shirts to several community meetings and events.  They are a great introduction and conversation starter  for me and for WeROC.

WeROC will provide Pizza (including some gluten free and vegetarian).  Please let me know if you can bring salad, dessert or munchies/appetizers. In return for your attendance you will have a great time catching up with WeROC regulars and some new faces.  I hope to see you there.

Please let me know if you think you are coming to the 9/7 meeting so I can make sure we have enough food.  Just respond yes to this email, or call or text to my number below.

Have a fun Labor Day weekend and remember that Labor Unions have lifted and continue to lift the earning power of workers everywhere.   Great example, the U of M Graduate Employees recent success in lifting graduate employees and their families to more equitable pay.

Cindy Bodewes

A ray of violet bathes your furrowed brow, washing away the pain, transmuting anger into useful joyous fury.    Fred Lamott

Useful. Joyous. Fury.

August 2023 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 8/3/23

It is time for our monthly WeROC Meeting of the Whole!  Please join us for discussions and updates from  our Action Teams and more.  We will also talk about planning an issues convention, a possible WeROC get together and have a  conversation to get feedback on meeting virtual, in person, or hybrid.  We need your input.  I hope to see you on Thursday. The agenda is attached.

Cynthia Bodewes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: WeROC Meeting of the Whole
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

July 2023 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 7/13/23

Please join us for the WeROC Meeting of the Whole at 5:30 on July 13th.  This month’s meeting will be Zoom only due to low in person attendance this summer.  Attached is the agenda for Thursday’s meeting.  I hope to see you there!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 2433 0470

One tap mobile
+13092053325,,84824330470# US
+13126266799,,84824330470# US (Chicago)

Cindy Bodewes

A ray of violet bathes your furrowed brow, washing away the pain, transmuting anger into useful joyous fury.    Fred Lamott

Useful. Joyous. Fury.

June 2023 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 6/1/23

Please join us for our June  Meeting of the Whole this Thursday at 5:30pm.   Thanks to Tad Wysor and  Melanie Harner of First Congregational UCC, we are able to have another hybrid meeting.  So, once again, you can choose to come in person at 111 S. Wallace, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Come to the back door of Chapelle School or you can participate virtually at via Zoom  This is the church’s Zoom Link so don’t be confused by that name on the meeting title.

At our last meeting, one of the suggestions for the coming year was for WeROC members to become more visible in the communities we uplift.  There is a great way to do that coming up June 16, 17 and 18 at the third Ypsilanti Juneteenth celebration!  Some of us helped out last year and it was very much appreciated by the organizers of the celebration.  I hope you will be able to volunteer to help along with other WeROC members!

The agenda is attached and we would love to see you in person if you can make that happen.  If not, the zoom link is above and on the agenda.

Cindy Bodewes

A ray of violet bathes your furrowed brow, washing away the pain, transmuting anger into useful joyous fury.    Fred Lamott

Useful. Joyous. Fury.

May 2023 Meeting of the Whole, Thursday 5/4/23

Good Afternoon, WeROC Members and Friends.  I hope you  are well and surviving this extended wintery weather.  There is hope for Spring coming in the next few days.

Please join us for the WeROC Meeting of the Whole tomorrow, Thursday May 4th.  We will spend the bulk of the meeting getting feedback from all of you about your hopes for WeROC for the coming year.  Let us know what needs to be improved upon from your perspective.  Leadership would like to hear what priorities you support and what you would like your role to be in WeROC. This will be in advance of getting the new leadership and Board of Directors together for the first time.  The agenda is attached.

Please Note:  Tomorrow’s Meeting will be Virtual Only.  We remain dedicated to meeting in person and will resume the Hybrid format next month

Register at

Cindy Bodewes

A ray of violet bathes your furrowed brow, washing away the pain, transmuting anger into useful joyous fury.    Fred Lamott

Useful. Joyous. Fury.